Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Planning: Artists Website

The Ellie Goulding Official Website: 
(click on the link above to visit the website)

Here are a few screen-shots from her website and fan pages

I took a look at Ellie Goulding's Official Website. Here is a video of what I found:

Ellie Goulding has two websites, the one with the completely black background is her British one, and her American website is the one with the beige background. The layout and the colours of the website are the only things that vary, the content is mostly the same. She has divided her website into different sections:

-About- Just about her
-Videos- Music videos and just clips of her at concerts and doing covers or video messages to fans.
-Ellie Cam- Music videos and videos of her 'out and about' e.g.Ellie Runs (Nike)
-News- Some stories about her or things she might want to inform general public/fans of, e.g. other artist joining her tour or interviews.  
-Gallery- Pictures of her fans and her.
-Tour- Her tour dates.
-Forum- Fans discussions about Ellie.
-Store- To purchase her songs and/or merchandise.

Then below there are links to her social network fan pages like Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, and YouTube and Spotify accounts. There is also a link to the US website.
She has 'Share This' and 'Follow Ellie' buttons to make it easier for her fans to share her music and interact with the singer. She also advertises the 'Nike' brand, with the famous tick and above it written 'Ellie Runs'. You can also play her songs while you are going through her website. The website has her name printed in big letters and lots of photographs of her to promote her image/music.
They also have a promotion, if you sign up to the newsletter you can get a free download of the song 'Wish I Stayed' -