Friday, 18 November 2011

Production: Day 5 Editing

Last lesson we experimented with the colour effects and came to a decision on a particular colour. We copy and pasted it onto other clips to see how it would all look put together and found that the clips were then different shades because initially they were not the same colour.

Today we focused on fixing this, we know it will take time but by using colour corrector we can try to get more or less all the clips to look the same or at least similar in terms of colouring.

After having shown our rough cut to our teacher we got a few ideas on how to improve it. She explained that some clips, in her view, were not well fitted into the video.  We decided today to take them out and replace them with others that might look better. In one in particular she explained that the acting was not up to standard, as the actress looked a little uncomfortable in front of camera.

Because our song is not the most upbeat song then we want to focus on the sections that are upbeat to make sure that the clip changes are matching the beat. Towards the end we have a few slow-but-clear-beats and the clips that are used are the ones that show both the actor and actress individually walking/skipping with which what we aimed to achieve was to get one clip to change to another exactly on the beat. We sorted it out so that every time a beat is heard the clips switch, and with the shot of the guy walking towards the girl it jumps to further forward in the clip (so you can see the guy is closer to the girl) as shown in the clip below.