Wednesday, 28 September 2011

RESEARCH: Analysis of Music Video

‘Like Toy Soldiers’ is an emotional song about disputes within the rap community which often leads to violence. He makes a comparison between rappers about toy soldiers; suggesting that rappers are controlled by others and at the end of the video it shows The Notorious B.I.G, Big L, Tupac Shakur and Bugz (rappers that have passed away as a result of the disputes) in order to display this issue. 
There are a few shots in the recording studio which suggests that music means a lot to the artist. Sentiment is expressed throughout, such as the shots with the artists’ friend in the hospital and the shot when the artist is at his friend’s funeral.
Zooming is used a lot in the music video; attaining an interaction between the audience and the artist. Slow motion is used throughout in order to convey grief and to add more emotion.
This music video is an example of Illustration; it tells the story of the lyrics. The video expresses the emotions of the lyrics which are poignant. At the beginning of the video we see two young boys reading a book which suggests they are reading about the life of the artist.

I really like this video mainly because of the emotion that is conveyed and because of the message behind it. I believe that this video is a great example of the music video form.