Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Research: Album cover shoot

Timothy Cochrane Website
I was looking around for shots/poses for the album cover shoot that we are doing in Richmond when I came across a photographer who had done a photo shoot for Ellie Goulding. Timothy Cochrane is his name, and while looking through his website I found some of his work that could work as a starting point for my album cover shot.

(Above) I have put a few photographs from his website that I think would look good on the album. I think the mid-shots and long-shots would work well for the back or the inside of them album and I would need to use a close-up shot for the front. 
(Below) The photographer also makes short clips which he posts on his website. I think this is a good idea for a shoot, just having the artist walking around freely and take shots, its maybe a way of portraying the personality of the individual through their poses and movements.

KATE from Timothy Cochrane on Vimeo.