Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Research: Digipak Ideas

Timothy Cochrane, the photographer that I mention in my previous post, tends to do shoots for indie artists. I found shoots for artists like MIA, Little Boots, Ellie Goulding, Bat for Lashes, Mumford and Sons, The Ting Tings, Graham Coxon (from Blur) all up on his website, all artists which I either know or I have come across while doing research for my media coursework. 

Below are some photographs he took for a band called Video Nasties. I really like the idea of the second one, take shots on a Polaroid camera and put them on the ground and re-photograph them, which actually quite works because he only photographed part of the group in some or part of their bodies so when he puts them all together, although it doesn't work perfectly, it more or less fits. I think it also probably looks better if it doesn't perfectly fit because it looks more casual and a spur of the moment thing. It's quite a nice idea to maybe have on the inside of the digipak.